Ash Wednesday, Morning Prayer

The first verses of the Morning Prayer or Lauds for Ash Wednesday in the Liturgy of the Hours, from Psalm 108 are:

My heart is ready, O God;
I will sing, sing your praise.
Awake, my soul;
awake, lyre and harp.
I will awake the dawn.

With the Antiphon – My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.


The call of God can be heard at any time in our life.  And usually, when we hear Him calling us, we just ignore it thinking that we are not ready yet.  But if we keep on waiting to answer Him until we are ‘ready’ then we might grow old, but still we’d never be ready enough, or at all.
Like it says that ‘Awake, my soul’, our readiness is really a conscious effort.
This reminds me of the EWTN program, Life on the Rock, which means, life in the Church, with the opening song that sounds fun, but its lyrics is such a grim truth – “This is your life, whether you’re ready or not.  Sometimes it’s rough, and it takes all that you’ve got.  But He’s been here, just waiting for you to knock, to take His hand…”.
It sounds harsh that we have no choice actually.  When we answer God’s call, it’s like taking the vocation of Holy Orders or Matrimony, there would be so many sacrifices, pains, and Cross, like it takes all that we’ve got.
But the irony is that, only when we answer God’s call and embrace it that we find peace and true happiness.
Again, it says that we should knock to intentionally find God and answer Him. “Knock and it shall be opened to you.”
Wouldn’t God be pleased if we just voluntarily say that we are ready?
My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.  How blessed we are to utter it!  This is the proper reflection to start the Lent with.
Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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