When You Call On God But He Does Not Answer – Wednesday, Midday Prayer

That’s what you only think so on these tough times.
When we are almost crushed by our sufferings, or people have done horrible things to us, experiencing injustice, and we couldn’t lean on anyone else, we call on God to cry out for help and pray.
But the problem is when after some time, He still hasn’t answered.  It seems that God wouldn’t take any action.  That’s when we fall on hopelessness, and stop believing in Jesus.  We say, “Hello?  Are you deaf?!  Can you even see what they’ve caused me and how much I am suffering?”.  This isn’t true.  It’s just Satan inserting desperation in our mind.
Amidst our sufferings, it’s as if God does not answer, but He’s right there with us.
Psalm 94 of the Liturgy of the Hours for this day gives these logical thoughts that we must always remember (highlighted portions) and put our trust on:


O Lord avenging God,


avenging God, appear!
Judge of the earth, arise,
give the proud what they deserve!


How long, O Lord, shall the wicked,


how long shall the wicked triumph?
They bluster with arrogant speech;
the evil-doers boast to each other.


They crush your people, Lord,


they afflict the ones you have chosen.
They kill the widow and the stranger
and murder the fatherless child.


And they say: “The Lord does not see;


the God of Jacob pays no heed.”
Mark this, most senseless of people;
fools, when will you understand?


Can he who made the ear, not hear?


Can he who formed the eye, not see?
Will he who corrects nations, not punish?
Will he who teaches men, not have knowledge?


The Lord knows the thoughts of men.


He knows they are no more than a breath.
Happy the man whom you teach, O Lord,


whom you train by means of your law:
to him you give peace in evil days
while the pit is being dug for the wicked.


The Lord will not abandon his people


nor forsake those who are his own;
for judgment shall again be just
and all true hearts shall uphold it.


Who will stand up for me against the wicked?


Who will defend me against those who do evil?
If the Lord were not to help me,
I would soon go down into the silence.


When I think: “I have lost my foothold,”


your mercy, Lord, holds me up.
When cares increase in my heart
your consolation calms my soul.


Can judges who do evil be your friends?


They do injustice under cover of law;
they attack the life of the just
and condemn innocent blood.


As for me, the Lord will be a stronghold;


my God will be the rock where I take refuge.
He will repay them for their wickedness,
destroy them for their evil deeds.
The Lord, our God, will destroy them.
God’s silence doesn’t mean He’s not aware of us talking to Him.  Because yeah, how could the God who has made the five senses not sense us calling on Him?  He knows every single thought we have and thing about us, and that includes our prayers and what’s the very inside of our hearts.  We are never abandoned and betrayed by God, even that’s how we feel.  We shouldn’t take revenge against our wrongdoers and leave the concern to Him.  We just need to patiently wait.  And we’ll hear God’s answer on His perfect timing.
Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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