Becoming A Saint To Be Worthy of Heaven

The First Sunday of Advent 2015

This day is the First Sunday of Advent.

Now that the first of the Advent wreath candles is lit up, we Catholics prepare for the first coming of Jesus Christ when He was born on Christmas Day. Advent comes from the Latin word ‘adventus’ which means ‘coming’. But this ‘coming’ not only refers to His first coming, but also His second coming in the Final Judgment (When the church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by sharing in the long preparation for the Savior’s first coming, the faithful renew their ardent desire for His second coming,” Catechism of the Catholic Church 524). We don’t know the day or the hour of His Second Coming, but we must know that as we anticipate it, we strive everyday for holiness and be saints, that is, to be worthy of entering Heaven when we face God in the Judgment Day.

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Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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