For the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Best Catholic.shareable 02062016

Life these days has many hardships and hassles, that in order for us to stay on track, lessen the problems, and get our fair share, it feels like we must be selfish or only love yourself. But when you love a person, or for example, your family, you choose the hard way instead of just your own life and make a lot of own sacrifices to help them or make them well, out of loving them. Just a thought of them is your inspiration that makes life a bit lighter.

We take on all the difficulties for the love of the people you care about. Though we should remember that what we do for the ones you love must be moral and proper in the eyes of God. If we genuinely love them, we must make it sure that it’s in the context that gives glory to God. We should also be concerned for their souls, and not lead them to sin and more troubles.

For the people who have difficult life, like many of us, we pray that the love for themselves, for others, and above all, for God, inspires them to carry on and continue living, with things or situations becoming easier for them.

Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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