Turn Back to the Lord – Ash Wednesday

The Best Catholic.shareable 02102016

For us Catholics, with Ash Wednesday, we all know the season of Lent is here again. But it’s more than just being marked on the forehead with palm leaves residues by a priest. With that in a shape of the Cross, it is a sign that we want to return to God by removing whatever that keeps us away from Him, and make amends for our wrongdoings that hurt God, so that we can have a life with a real, right relationship with God. As we join Christ in His Passion, up to His way to the Calvary, we’re praying for a total change of heart and spirit, that we’d carry in us throughout our life. It’s also a reminder that since human life is short, all these things we enjoy and those pleasures that pamper our egos are temporary. And if we live our life for pleasures such as sinful lifestyle, vanity, not giving what’s due to other people, incapable of sympathy and helpfulness, frequent eating and showing off that meal from the restaurant and bragging our possessions, before we even notice it, we’d be old already, sick, then our life would end wasted, and perished with our worldliness, unable to do what God intends us to all along. Heaven, the only place wherein we can live with God permanently, is only attainable with the Church, and living righteously. Now is the time to soul-search and find that Jesus is the real meaning of life.

Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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