Protestants Are False Christians

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There are many False Christians, those who are calling themselves as ‘Bible-only Christians’ like the Born Again ‘Christians,’ who claim that a lot of Catholic teachings are “unbiblical” (including the Marian Dogmas, the Holy Sacraments and the existence of Purgatory, among many others), while all their teachings are solely from the Bible. And they also claim that they it is only them who are biblical, because “We don’t base our teachings from tradition, like Catholics do.” When you ask them, ‘What’s your authority for your teachings?’ They would say “The Bible is our only authority.”

Here’s how we Catholics must answer them:
First, there is no any verse in the Bible that says that Church teachings should only be based on Bible alone. Our Catholic Church has all her teachings from the Bible AND the Oral Tradition handed from the Apostles whom Jesus entrusted His Catholic Church, to our Church Fathers, different theologians, down to our very generation.

It is impossible that the authority would only come from the Bible, because in the first place, who decided which books must be in the Bible? The answer is – Our early Fathers and Popes – They were the very ones who decided which books were to be included in the Bible. The Old Testament came from the Jews, long before Jesus arrived. So those false Christians using the Old Testament is already tradition. Without the early Popes and Fathers, there wouldn’t be a compilation of New Testament these false Christian Protestants are using. The Bible is just handed down to us… from the early Catholic generations (handing down means ‘tradition’). These false Christians themselves are using the Bible they are teaching or reading right now, from the authority of our very own Catholic tradition.

Like the Quote above, the Roman Catholic Church only goes where Jesus is. All that we Catholics obey and observe, are authorized by Christ Himself when He instituted the Eucharist and the other Sacraments, when He built His Own Church in Rome through St. Peter as our first Pope, to all the next Popes, up to our current Pope.

St. Paul has proven the use of Oral Tradition in Timothy 1:13-14 – “Take as your norm the sound words that you heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Guard this rich trust with the help of the holy Spirit that dwells within us.”

We must remember that the Sacraments, which these false Christians don’t have in their ‘fellowship,’ are important to our salvation. They spread lies and deceit to people. And it’s clear that the Devil is behind all them. Either you are of God (Catholics who entirely obey Jesus’ teachings) or not (the Protestants) – “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” (Matthew 12:30)

Let us all walk in the righteous path of the Catholic Church, where Jesus is, the One True Church.

Mary Kris I. Figueroa

1 Comment on Protestants Are False Christians

  1. Indeed, non-catholics are committing material heresy. There foundation of faith is based on unproven teachings of sola scriptura and sola fide.

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