When we read the Bible, or the Scripture, Catholics are instructed that it must be a guided reading. By ‘guided’, I mean that you must be using the Catholic-made Guides, like the Gospel and daily Mass Readings, including those books with reflections about them, or like the Liturgy of the Hours or the Divine Office, which I pray everyday. While you might think that it would be cool to read the Bible cover to cover, like the way you’re reading a novel, it really wouldn’t be a great idea. Genesis to Exodus might be understandable, but when you reach the more complicated books like Numbers or Deuteronomy, you’d get confused, and might just stop altogether from your boredom. The worst mistake that you could ever have, is like one of the capital sins of the Protestants including the Born Again ‘Christian’s, having your very own ‘personal’ interpretation of it, which leads to heresies.
Protestants and their members just read whichever part of the Bible they feel like it at any time, at any day… and the result is a disaster. They jump on pages here and there, and everywhere during their ‘fellowship’. And as Catholics, we are advised not to do this. There are many parts of the Bible that might sound like having different meanings or seem contradictory, initially. Protestants also like taking the words either too literally – or severely not literally.
Like I explained, in my earlier post https://www.facebook.com/psalmsandthepilgrimdaughter/photos/a.1051284911600127.1073741829.1051222768273008/1177008262361124/?type=3&theater , Protestants believe that the Bible is the only rule of faith, and nothing else can interpret it. But we Catholics know that Apostolic Tradition and the Oral Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles can explain the Bible, with the Catholic Church as the authority. Our Church Fathers, the best Roman Catholic scholars (like St. Jerome who said this quote, spent his life with some other Saints with him studying the Bible), Private Revelations like the Marian, Jesus, Saintly Apparitions, even our Saints when they were alive here on earth, analyzed the Bible in very scholarly ways, and their holy experiences actually helped shape which really is the single interpretation for every biblical topic. The analogy is like this – They are like the professors, while us ordinary citizens are like the students, who need their specialty to learn.
The Gospels, the Daily Mass Readings, the lovely Breviary, and the writings, Church documents or encyclicals by our Popes, were arranged in such a way that we would understand what the Truth in the Bible is, and it sews the Old Testament with the New Testament to prove how they are together in our Salvation History, and teach what God was really meaning to say. Through this, we will be able to know the true Christ, and Our Blessed Mother.
Now, my brother and sisters in Christ, who would you rather believe? The Protestants who just started 500 years ago, and interpreted the Bible and hated our dogmas, just among themselves in their small circle… or the Holy Saints in Heaven who interpreted the Bible, for 2000 years, handed down to us traditionally… Many False Christians like the Born Again groups even start a ‘church’ in any place or barangay, just when they feel like it. Every year, Born Again ‘Communities’ starts from nowhere, as if just an urge of bunch of kids figuring out what to do on a lazy summer day. My fellow Catholics, doesn’t it sound ridiculous and stupid to you that regular ‘pastors’ (some claim they studied theology, like where again those unknown schools are?), or humble people just like you and me would change the old Catholic Church teachings according to our own liking, and start our own ‘church fellowship’? Well, that sounds to me like the Devil orchestrated all these.
Let us call on the Holy Spirit for guidance, as we read the Bible to understand the Word of Christ, and practice what we learn to day-to-day living.
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