Being born in the late 80’s, I was already a living human being while the Blessed Virgin Mary was appearing in the other side of the world. If your date of birth was even earlier, then all of us were, at those moments, all alive and kicking. How special we must feel. Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas is the title of the Blessed Mother in a series of apparitions, everyday for 8 years, from 1983-1990 to the visionary and stigmatist, Gladys Quiroga de Motta. On May 22, 2016, the apparitions were declared as having “supernatural in character” and “worthy of belief” by the local biship of San Nicolas, Most Reverend Hector Cardelli. And this means that not only this can be a new devotion for the faithfuls, it bears an important message to us all that the Mother of God indeed in body and flesh in that place of San Nicolas de los Arroyos, in the country of Argentina. This approved apparition has the same value as her apparitions in Guadalupe, Lourdes, and Fatima. One thing common to them is that she indeed appeared to the humble visionaries, physically.
Like I’ve said above, to all of us alive right now, this is so important and special, because first, her messages are meant for this generation – and the recent generations (meaning, your grandparents if they are still here, your parents, yourself, and if you already have your own children). The messages of the apparitions in Guadalupe, Lourdes, and Fatima are still applicable and lives on up to this very day. But we do not yet exist in those centuries then. It is the messages of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas that are especially meant for you and me. I’m also very curious with why the messages were a couple of decades old, but with the subject like atheism and materialism, they are particularly more suitable for the world these days than before. For me, it’s as if the words were spoken many years ago, to be heard in the future, which is this day when it’s destined to be considered or approved. The other reason is that her messages contain warning, including Apocalyptic ones, which again, are meant for us, who live in these current times, who might witness the events leading to the end of times.
You should share this with as many people as you know, both believers and unbelievers (praying that they’d be converted). It went through a thorough scientific investigation, and was studied if all Our Lady’s messages are consistent with the teachings or Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Gladys, the visionary, was also proven that she’s been in sound mind and moral character. We must have a complete faith, even without seeing God with our own eyes. But what more proof of His existence, and the proof that we are the One True Religion, when it’s Our Blessed Mother herself who appeared in person, to deliver the messages for all of us? Just like in her other apparitions, wherein the visionaries were very poor, Gladys was a simple wife of a metallurgical worker and a mother of 2 daughters. She only reached Grade 4 education. It was even hard for her to read and write. She had no prior knowledge of the Bible and Theology. It’s plainly impossible for her to invent these messages.
All her messages are about repentance, going back to the Sacraments, peace, and forewarnings:
“I want to heal my children of that disease that is the materialism and that many suffer, I want to help them discover Christ, to love Christ and to say to them that Christ prevails above all.”
“The enemy is defying me very ruthlessly, is openly tempting my children. It is a fight between the light and the darkness. It is a constant persecution to my dear Church.”
“Pray for the Holy Church. Hurt is my Heart because frequently it is attacked, day to day its light dims. As Mother of the Church I suffer the most exhausting pain. My sufferings are united to those of the Pope, because his pain is my pain.”
“Make known what I give you, the atheism is flooding the nations, absence of God is everywhere; it is why the word of the Lord must be listened to and not be despised. The action of His word will do much if the heart is opened.”
“The Holy Rosary is the most feared weapon of the enemy. Santo Rosario is the weapon to which the enemy fears to him. It is also the refuge for those seeking relief, and is also the door to enter my Heart. Glory to the Lord for the light that He gives to the world.”
Jesus also said:
“By means of Her the souls will be saved because It will bring them towards Me. Whoever rejects My Mother, rejects Me.”
In all the messages, the importance of Our Blessed Mother is highlighted by Jesus Himself. Father René Laurentin, an expert on Marian apparitions (I read his books and watched some documentaries he was featured in when I was a child.), said that Our Blessed Mother is the Ark of the New Covenant, and she comes to restore the faith, because she, according to Revelation 12:1 is “The Woman Clothed With the Sun” – she has a lead role in the whole Salvation History and the Apocalypse. See my post that explains this:
Here is the Summary of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of San Nicolas apparitions:
September 25, 1983 – Our Blessed Mother first appears to the visionary, Gladys, looking similar with the statue, and she has Baby Jesus in her arms.
October 13, 1983 (The Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima) – The Blessed Mother talks to Gladys for the first time, saying “You have done well. Do not be afraid. Come to see me. I will take you by the hand and you will travel many paths.”
October 25, 1983 – Our Blessed Mother gives Gladys a while Rosary (which she had been wanting to give since she first ever sees her), “Receive this rosary from my hands and keep it forever and ever. I am happy because you are obedience. And be happy because God is with you.”
November 15, 1983 – Jesus speaks to Gladys for the first time, “I am the farmer, the harvest will be great.” and continues with a total of 68 visits and messages.
November 19, 1983 – Our Blessed Mother informs Gladys of her mission, “You will become the bridge of union. Proclaim my words.”
November 1984 – Gladys receives the Stigmata, the wounds of Christ’s Passion, allowed by God to be lived and suffered by the person for the good of her soul and others’, and this occurs every Advent and Lent of each year, for the next years.
May 25, 1986 – Our Blessed Mother instructed to have a medal struck, “My daughter, the meaning of seven stars is seven graces that my Son Jesus Christ will grant to whoever has it on its chest. Praised be the Lord.”
March 19, 1989 – The Image of Our Blessed Mother was moved from the Cathedral, to the opening of the Sanctuary the Virgin herself asked of, which was built for almost 3 years.
February 11, 1990 (The Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes) – After receiving more than 1800 messages, Our Blessed Mother’s last apparition to her comprises these words, “Yesterday in Lourdes, today here. The Mother always looking for her children. Prayer, fasting, penance, and above all conversion she expects from them. The souls will be saved if they get close to the Lord, if they welcome the Lord. Peace is lacking in many souls. Look for the The Peace and you will find God.”
Gladys now lives a low-profile life with great devotion.
Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas, pray for us.
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