We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below. Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope. Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory.
Jesus does not abandon those who hope in him; therefore, let us humbly ask him:
Our Lord and our God, hear us.
Christ our light, brighten your Church with your splendor,
— so that it may be for the nations the great sacrament of your love.
Our Lord and our God, hear us.
Watch over the priests and ministers of your Church,
— so that after they have preached to others, they themselves may remain faithful in your service.
Our Lord and our God, hear us.
Through your blood you gave peace to the world,
— turn away the sin of strife, the scourge of war.
Our Lord and our God, hear us.
O Lord, help married couples with an abundance of your grace,
— so that they may better symbolize the mystery of your Church.
Our Lord and our God, hear us.
In your mercy forgive the sins of all the dead,
— that they may live with your saints.
Our Lord and our God, hear us.
Source: Evening Prayer, DivineOffice.org
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