Saint Lawrence

Deacon and Martyr

Saint Lawrence, being one of the seven deacons of Rome during the time of Pope St. Sixtus, was tasked to give help to the poor and needy.  In those times, persecution broke out in Rome and Pope St. Sixtus was executed.  The prefect of Rome who was a pagan ordered Saint Lawrence to bring out and give him what he thought were hidden treasures of the Roman Catholic Church.  Saint Lawrence obliged in three days.  But to the prefect’s surprise and great anger, Saint Lawrence brought the poor and sick people of the city instead, saying, “This is the true treasure of the Church!”

Such act was seen a defiance to the prefect of Rome and it was immediately ordered to put him to death.  Stories of tradition say that the Saint was put on top of a grill of flames and let him die there but his love for God was burning much more.

The Best Catholic.Saint-Lawrence-Martyr_art

Saint Lawrence, the last of the seven deacons who suffered a martyr’s death for the Catholic faith and the conversion to Jesus of the city of Rome, pray for us!

The Best Catholic

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