Why Non-Catholics’ Argument that “The Word ‘Catholic’ Is Not Found in the Bible” Is Simply A Ridiculous Claim?

It Is Answered Here with Logic and Common Sense

In the last few months, we’ve received many rude, idiotic Comments and Private Messages in our Facebook Page from Catholic haters, who of course belong to the Non-Catholic cults out there. It took time removing them, in the middle of us being busy. They were too offensive. Good riddance, as we banned all those people!
On the side, Catholics don’t go to their pages and post harsh comments on those, and message them with vulgar words. Don’t do that to us Catholics, because we don’t do such lame actions on you.

One of the most common accusations, both as ‘Comments’ to our articles, which actually isn’t anything new because the haters of the Catholic Church usually say this, is that “The Roman Catholic Church is a cult” because “The word ‘Catholic’ is not found anywhere in the Bible.” They attack Pope Francis, saying he is a “false prophet.”

Well, the word “Catholic” really won’t be in the Bible, because it is a word with Greek roots that means “according to (kata-) the whole (holos)” or “universal”. It was Saint Ignatius of Antioch, one of our Church Fathers, who first used the term “Catholic” to describe the Church. Clearly, it’s a word that fittingly defines the one universal Church which Jesus Christ, the True God, founded. Our Church was the very same Church that God Himself instituted and built. Thus for easier reference, the early Christians used the colloquially popular term “Catholic” to signify that we are the “universal” religion of the world.

Remember that the Catholic Church is the foundation of Christianity, not the Bible. The Bible only followed after. Without the Catholic Church, there is no Bible. It is the Catholic Church who compiled which books to include, organized, titled the “Bible” as a matter of fact.

These Non-Catholics are getting too literal, because that’s their only defense. With all the evidence against their claims, they know it well that they can never prove that argument and all of their accusations against Catholics. It’s them who are the cults. The Catholic Church is the only Christian religion.

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I thought of a simple logic that explains their “Catholic-is-not-biblical.” argument is incorrect:

For Non-Catholics, our religion does not exist; it’s just a “false religion”. If they are ONLY going to believe the WORDS that are WRITTEN in the Bible, then they should say that many of the things in their life are ‘non-existent,’ ‘false,’ ‘lies’ too.

  • Back then in the time of our Lord, they only referred to the heavenly bodies as “the heavens,” “sun,” “moon,” “stars,”
    … Which obviously in our modern times because of Science advancement, not all of them are “heavens” or “stars,” but particularly discovered and now termed as “asteroids,” “meteors,” “meteorites,” “comets,” “planets,” and even the nosebleed things like “black-hole,” “speed of light,” “theory of relativity,” ”gravity” and many other physical laws – WORDS WHICH ARE NOT IN THE BIBLE, BUT WE KNOW THAT THOSE THINGS THEMSELVES EXIST.
    The Bible also just mentioned  “body” and it never said anything about the “cells,” “atoms,” “molecules” that the human body is composed of. But we all do know that we humans exist!
    If Non-Catholics continue saying that something is not “true” because that word isn’t in the Bible, then they should argue to those scientists that they are all liars, and that all their verified scientific findings or theories do not exist.
  • Then it would likewise follow that all Non-Catholics or Protestants, like Born Again cults should not use the “internet,” “gadgets,” and “computers” too, and all the modern appliances we have now because those words are not in the Bible. For them, the “Catholic Church” and the “Pope” are “evil” because we are “not in the Bible.” If they would stick with that argument, then USING ANY TECHNOLOGY must be evil for them too, because those words and the things themselves are not mentioned in the Bible, and the Prophets, the Apostles, and God never said anywhere in the Bible that men are allowed to move on to modernity and that one day, there would be inventions that flourish, and technology drives the world.

Stop using that argument to us Catholics, because it’s completely ridiculous and an utter nonsense.

Thus, it is wrong for Non-Catholics to say that the Catholic Church is not the Church of God simply because it’s not in the Bible.

Let us pray for the Roman Catholic Church and our beloved Pope Francis.

Mary Kris I. Figueroa

4 Comments on Why Non-Catholics’ Argument that “The Word ‘Catholic’ Is Not Found in the Bible” Is Simply A Ridiculous Claim?

  1. St. John said:
    “There is much else besides that Jesus did; if all of it were put in writing, I do not think the world itself would contain the books which would have to be written.” John 21:25

    The Bible actually said that, in no way it is complete. Why argue about “Catholic” being non-biblical? Their “Bible Only” teaching is not right.

  2. Good day madam
    The Greek words Kata & holos are from what part of the Bible? Is it in the Letter to the Romans? I think I have heard the same topic from the late Fr. Gerry Tapiador. Thanks & God bless!

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