Saint Hippolytus

The Best Catholic.HippolytusSC192147

Saint Hippolytus, one of our Church Fathers, was considered the most important theologian in Rome of the third century.  He had several writings against the heresies which afflicted the Church at the time.  The most popular of which was “Refutation of all Heresies.”

His road to sainthood was rather unusual.  His beliefs conflicted with the approach of the Pope Callixtus I and his succeeding popes, and that initially separated Saint Hippolytus from the Church.  But persecution of the clergy broke out under Emperor Maximinus Thrax who ordered his exile to the island of Sardinia together with Pope Pontian.  There they suffered and succumbed to the harsh conditions of the mines.  Before Saint Hippolytus died as a martyr, he renounced his opposition and was reunited to the Church by Pope Pontian. Both of them are remembered as saints of the Church sharing the same feast day.

The Best Catholic.San-Hipólito-de-Roma

Saint Hippolytus, who returned and reconciled with the Church, pray for us!

The Best Catholic

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