Prayer Petitions For August 17, 2016

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We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory.

With joyful hearts, let us praise the Eternal Father whose mercy toward his people is exalted to the heavens:
Let all who hope in you rejoice, Lord.

Remember, Lord, that you sent your Son into the world to be its savior, not its judge,
— let his glorious death bring us salvation.
Let all who hope in you rejoice, Lord.

You ordained your priests to be ministers of Christ and stewards of your marvelous gifts,
— fill them with fidelity, wisdom and love.
Let all who hope in you rejoice, Lord.

You have called men and women to chastity for the sake of the kingdom,
— let them faithfully follow your Son.
Let all who hope in you rejoice, Lord.

From the beginning you intended husband and wife to be one,
— keep all families united in sincere love.
Let all who hope in you rejoice, Lord.

You sent Christ Jesus into the world to absolve the sins of men,
— free all the dead from their sins.
Let all who hope in you rejoice, Lord.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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