Saint Clare of Montefalco

Also called as Saint Clare of the Cross

Saint Clare, born in Montefalco, Italy around 1268, was an Augustinian nun and abbess.  She is also known as Saint Clare of the Cross because of her particular devotion to the Passion of Christ and His Cross, inspired by her vision of Jesus.  In the Epiphany of 1294, Saint Clare fell into ecstasy and remained in such state for weeks.  During this time, Saint Clare had seen a vision of herself being judged in front of God.  She had also seen Jesus, dressed as a poor traveler, fatigued and weary by the weight of the Cross.  Expressing her desire to help Him in carrying it, Jesus implanted the Cross in her heart.

The pain and suffering in her heart caused by the Cross remained with Saint Clare in her lifetime.  Despite this, she continued to serve her fellow nuns as an abbess and spiritual director with so much wisdom and joy in her heart.  In 1308, Saint Clare passed away and symbols of the Cross of Christ were found imprinted within her heart.

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Saint Clare, who wholeheartedly shared in Our Lord’s Passion and Cross, pray for us!


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