In the last week, I’ve discussed why Catholics must practice almsgiving ( And incidentally, I saw the news that Pope Francis gives the Homeless in Rome a treat – and it’s something awesome! So far, about 100 people have participated.
The one in charge of papal charities, Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, says to Vatican Insider that everyday, he personally drives a Vatican van to take about 10 homeless people to the beach for them to go swimming on the Italian coast, 30 kilometers away from Rome. On the way, the passengers all sing as they listen to the radio. Upon arriving, these guests are offered a swimsuit and towel.
Later on, they eat a meal at the local pizzeria, courtesy of Pope Francis.
And it doesn’t end there… The homeless stay in a dormitory, and are given barber services and showers for those in need. Of course, Archbishop Krajewski does this on behalf of Pope Francis.
The humidity in Rome is increasing as the summer peaks. Beach and Pizza dinner really sound amazing! It’s just apt for these homeless people who rarely experience these simple but fabulous stuffs.
Archbishop Krajewski speaks beautifully of the value it brings to the homeless people in Rome:
“We certainly are not saving the world with some of these initiatives, we are not solving the problems of the homeless in Rome, but at least we are restoring to them a little dignity. For these, our brothers in need who are used to living in insecurity, these are moments that remain in their memory, they have the chance to feel like everyone else.”
What an act of kindness Pope Francis does! He always tries much to do something for our homeless brothers and sisters in Christ.
Here are some of the special things Pope Francis has done last year and this year:
- Invited a group of homeless people in Rome to the Sistine Chapel
- Given Christmas gifts to the poor migrants and umbrellas to the homeless
- Sent an electronic scooter an elderly couple with disabilities
- Invited 2000 homeless people and migrants to the circus, some months ago
For my personal comment regarding what Archbishop Krajewski says above, it is certainly true. I’ve had many sad memories that might be too hard to heal or remove from my mind. But still, all my happy memories are far stronger. There are times that these happy memories are tainted with the feeling of loneliness, because these moments are over and would never happen again. Either I miss those happy times, or I feel gloomy for the awareness that it’s not happening again. But even with the tinges of sadness affecting those happy memories, I see myself that it’s still the happy memories that are engraved forever in mind. Like these homeless people, they probably wouldn’t escape poverty in life, even up to old age, and might feel sad recalling that treat from Pope Francis that gave them happy memories. But they’d find themselves feeling stronger over these happy memories, than the sad things that happened in their life.
I said, even before reading this news about Pope Francis, in my previous article that giving alms might not change the country, or the world, but can become a big thing if it’s a much-needed aid for the day. For larger charities, like that of Vatican’s, it can even restore a little dignity of these poor and suffering homeless people, like Archbishop Krajewski is saying.
During the days we feel somewhat selfish to the poor, here is what Jesus said in the Bible:
Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
– Mathew 25:41-46
Remember to always include the homeless and all the poor persons in our prayers.
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