Saint Jeanne Jugan

Patron Saint of the Destitute Elderly

Saint Jeanne Jugan was born in 1792 in Brittany, France.  Their family of eight children struggled in life when her fisherman father was lost at sea.   When she was sixteen she worked as a kitchen maid for a charitable woman who frequently brought her along her visits to the poor.  This opened the mind of Saint Jeanne on the value of true charity.  At twenty-five, she actively worked at a local hospital.  After some years, she worked for another Catholic woman, Mlle. Lecoq.  Together, they spent their day in two-hour prayer, daily Mass, caring for the needy, and doing catechesis for children.  Saint Jeanne continued this work even after the old lady died.  Eventually, it led to the formation of The Little Sisters of the Poor, inspired by the charitable works of Saint Jeanne, especially for the elderly.  Her community had spread across Europe with more than two thousand Little Sisters carrying on what she had started.

The Best Catholic.8_30_saint-jeanne-jugan

Saint Jeanne Jugan, who served the elderly poor with much compassion, pray for us!

The Best Catholic

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