Martyrs of September

The Martyrs of September are a group of 191 Catholic priests and religious brothers and sisters who were martyred by revolutionary men in the French revolution of September 1792.  This group refused to take an oath of support for the civil constitution which at that time placed the clergy under the control of the state authorities.  Such opposition meant imprisonment which led to their massacre in only two days.

Notable persons in this group of martyrs were Louis and Francis de la Rochefoucauld, the bishops of Saintes and Beauvais respectively, Apollinaris of Posat, John Francis Burte, Charles de la Calmette, Augustine Ambrose Chevreux, Andre Grasset de Saint Sauveur, John Mary de Lau, Severin Girault, Julian Massey, and Louis Barreau de la Touche.

The Best Catholic.Blessed John DuLau and the September Martyrs

Martyrs of September, pray for us!

The Best Catholic

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