Born around 540 in Rome, Pope Saint Gregory the Great belonged to a wealthy and highly-esteemed family. He was well educated and at age thirty-three, chosen to be a Prefect of Rome, just like his father. Pope Gregory often referred to himself as a servant of God and became a monk after converting their family villa into a monastery. In 590, he was proclaimed Pope following the death of then Pope Pelagius II.
Pope Saint Gregory’s papacy was marked by his emphasis on missionary work as well as generosity thru alms and service for the poor. He tasked the priests and deacons to go out to the streets to hand out food for the poor people and care for them, waiting for all the clergy to return before he ate his own meals. He made sure that the abundant donations to the Church of the rich families of Rome were given as aid to the needy. Pope Saint Gregory was also an excellent writer. With inspiration, he made some changes to the structure of the Holy Mass, such as the placement of the Our Father prayer, which is still positioned up to this day just as he instructed.
Pope Saint Gregory the Great, who served God, the Church, and the poor with all his ability, pray for us!
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