Saint Rosalia, nicknamed La Santuzza or “Little Saint,” was born in 1130 at Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Even at a young age, Saint Rosalia had a firm resolve to turn away from earthly vanities in life and focus on God alone instead. This led her to leave her home and reside in solitude in a cave, far from the temptations of earthly life. She transferred to Mount Pellegrino after some time where remained hidden from the world and eventually died there.
In the year 1625, there was an outbreak called Black Plague. During that time, a hermit had seen Saint Rosalia in a vision. She asked him to search for her remains. The hermit, together with a group of monks, obliged and found her remains in a cave on Mount Pellegrino. Shortly thereafter, the plague ended and they attributed such miracle with the finding of Saint Rosalia.

Saint Rosalia, pray for us!
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