Saint Eleutherius

Saint Eleutherius was the father superior or “abbot” of St. Mark’s Monastery in Spoleto, Italy.  He was distinguished for his holiness, simplicity and morality.  Once there was a child possessed by the devil brought to their monastery for deliverance.  Saint Eleutherius declared that the devil would not dare approach the child as he was in the midst of monks.  Such words from the abbot seemed to savor of vanity and pride, such that the devil entered the child again and tormented him.  Realizing his fault, Saint Eleutherius humbly prayed for forgiveness and fasted with the rest of the monastery until the child was freed once again from possession.

Saint Eleutherius also offered many prayers to help Pope Gregory the Great to be able to do fasting as he so desired in spite of his extreme weakness.  Many other miracles were said to have happened through the help of the prayers of Saint Eleutherius during his time in the monastery.

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Saint Eleutherius, who led a prayerful life of faith, pray for us!

The Best Catholic

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