Saint Cloud

Saint Cloud, or Saint Clodoald in French, was one of the three grandsons of King Clovis, founder of the Kingdom of the Franks.  Following the death of their parents, he and his brothers became heirs to the kingship.  However, a few years after, Saint Cloud’s uncles plotted against them to seize the throne.  His uncles succeeded in murdering his two other brothers but he was able to escape.  He found refuge through the help of Saint Remigius, the Bishop of Rheims, near Paris.  In the latter part of his escape, he became a student of Saint Severinus, a hermit.  Those years of living in the presence of holy people shaped Saint Cloud’s faith and relationship with God.  He valued so much his life of solitude and closeness with the Lord God that he did not want to reclaim the rule of their Kingdom.

Saint Cloud spent all his years learning each and every part of the Scriptures as well as helping the poor through his own ministry of healing, preaching and reconciliation.  People clamored that he enter priesthood so that he would be able to also serve the Lord by celebrating the Eucharist.  In 551, he was ordained as a priest-hermit and he became the pastor of the poor farming and fishing villages near Paris.

The Best Catholic.StCloudiconSaint Cloud, who chose to live as Christ’s faithful priest, pray for us!

The Best Catholic

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