Saint Joseph, born in 1603 at Cupertino, Italy, was a Conventual Franciscan friar and a mystic. He was said to be an unclever child, often absent-minded and aimlessly wandering about. It was probably because of the lack of care from his mother who did not like him much. He also had a bad temper which made it worse for him. He tried to become a shoemaker but failed. In spite of these, he felt called to the religious life and tried to enter the Conventual Franciscan Order but was initially rejected due to his poor education. He became part of the Capuchins but only for a short time as he seemed always unable to do as he was told. Back to their family home, his mother could not take having him around so she pleaded the Franciscan friars and they finally accepted Saint Joseph to work as a servant and carer of horses.
His stay in the Franciscan monastery brought about a change in him. Saint Joseph slowly became more humble, gentle and less angered. He made sure to be more careful in doing his work. He became more prayerful, even voluntarily did acts of penance. Clearly, the Fruits of the Holy Spirit were at work in him. He was finally able to study and enter priesthood under the Franciscan Order. After his ordination as priest, he lived a life of deep devotion to Christ as well as consecration to Our Lady. He was known to have experienced many levitations and ecstasies while praying in deep union to God or saying the Holy Mass. Many people have flocked to him to seek his advice and guidance, especially during the confessional. For this, he had helped many Christians reform their lives. He is considered the Patron Saint of air travelers, pilots and people with learning disability.
Saint Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us!
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