Saint Januarius, a Bishop of Benevento, was martyred along with other clergymen, deacons, and lay Christians in the beginning of the 4th century, around the year 305. It was during the time of Christian persecution by Emperor Diocletion. Saint Januarius came to visit deacons and laymen in prison. He, however, was also imprisoned together with his deacon and lector. The Emperor ordered to have them thrown to the wild beasts, but the animals did not attack them. They were beheaded instead.
Saint Janarius’ blood is being kept as a relic in Naples, Italy. For many hundred years, whenever it is exposed in the cathedral, it miraculously liquefies and bubbles. Up to this day, scientists cannot explain this miracle. For this, he is also considered the Patron of blood banks.

Saint Januarius, pray for us!
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