Saint Frumentius

Saint Frumentius is the first so-called “Abuna” or father of the Ethiopian Church. Such title was in recognition of his role in bringing Christianity to the Aksumite Empire, situated in northern Ethiopia.

He was originally from Tyre, Lebanon. In a voyage to Ethiopia with his brother, Saint Aedesius, their ship sank in the Red Sea and only the two of them survived. The local people of Aksum took them both as slaves and brought to the royal court.   They soon gained the King’s trust and were given high positions. He became secretary of the court while his brother, a royal cup bearer. There they introduced and taught Christianity to the native people and converted them. Saint Frumentius later went back to Alexandria, Egypt to request Saint Athanasius to send a mission group to Aksumite. In response, Saint Athanasius appointed Saint Frumentius himself as Bishop, firmly believing that he was the most capable person to spread Christianity throughout Ethiopia.   Upon returning to the land, he baptized the reigning King Ezana, converted more locals to become Christians, and built many churches in the region.

Saint Frumentius

Saint Frumentius, pray for us!

The Best Catholic

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