Is the Feast of Christ the King Still Relevant?

My Lord and My God

In this day and age of modernity, technological advancement, and scientific exploration, secularism, which is the rejection of God and religion, becomes so rampant in different parts of the world that almost every human achievement is credited to the wonders and greatness of the human mind. Many of us can’t help but question, “Is Christ the King still relevant?” Humanity has done all these brilliant things on modern earth that we people usually take pride at the idea of having achieved them all by ourselves. This leads us to glorifying ourselves, instead of glorifying God, when in fact, He is the Master who has made us caretakers of nature and all living things — to be able to hone the skills, knowledge or talents to first and foremost manifest and reveal to us all His glory, and show us His perfect love.

Being a fanatic of Astronomy (the study of celestial objects) and Cosmology (the study of the origin and development of the universe), my amazement and wonder on what’s in the night sky that I constantly learn about — from our own Solar System, to the billions of stars and the billions of their planets, the billions of galaxies, and the whole endless Universe or Cosmos — would grow in me forever. I admire the most intelligent of peoples like those scientists constantly trying to find the answer to where everything and the whole Universe has come from. But sadly, since they still couldn’t find the one answer through science, many of them end up theorizing that there is not enough evidence for a Supreme Being or God that created the amazing Universe with perfect laws. They are too focused on physics or other scientific laws of nature and the Universe that they resist the very idea of God’s existence.

I, on the other hand, using my amateur knowledge consider just this one answer to where the Universe has come from — Our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the King of the Universe. The more I see the beauty of the Universe, the more I see and acknowledge the grandeur of Jesus Christ the King, our God, who can be the only reason for all this perfection.

The pleasures of modernity, and technologies, can tempt us to be too occupied in the pursuit of more earthly knowledge and success that our Catholic belief becomes rather superficial. However, we must not forget that all of these material things are nothing but temporary. All shall pass. But Christ the King is for eternity. Let us remember that we are mere creations of God and servants of Christ, the King of glory.

Is the Feast of Christ the King Still Relevant?

Here is the history of the Feast:

On this day, we celebrate the Feast of Christ The King; Our Lord Jesus Christ is King of the Universe. It marks the last Sunday of our liturgical year, placed right before the first Sunday of Advent. This feast was instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI to fight the increase of secularism, and in 1970, was moved to the final Sunday of Ordinary Time in our liturgical calendar. Thus, at the earliest, it may fall on the 20th of November, or on the 26th of November, at the latest. Jesus, the Lord over all of God’s creations, proclaims the coming of the Kingdom of God at the start of His ministry, and it is central to His teachings in the four Gospels.

So, “is the Feast of Christ the King still relevant?” For us Catholics, a hundred percent “Yes!” But for unbelievers, it’s only in their minds that it is not. What they don’t know is that He is the reason of all our being. They must understand that no matter what glory they achieve, it is nothing but vainglory and meaningless pride without the acceptance that Jesus Christ is their King; our King.

Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ the King, pray for us!


Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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