Prayer Petitions For November 27, 2016

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We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory.

To Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, the way, the truth, and the life, let us make our humble prayer:
Come and stay with us, Lord.

Son of the Most High, your coming was announced to the Virgin Mary by Gabriel,
— come and rule over your people for ever.
Come and stay with us, Lord.

Holy One of God, in your presence John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth’s womb,
— bring the joy of salvation to all the earth.
Come and stay with us, Lord.

Jesus the Savior, the angel revealed your name to Joseph the just man,
— come and save your people from their sins.
Come and stay with us, Lord.

Light of the world, for whom Simeon and all the just waited,
— come and comfort us.
Come and stay with us, Lord.

O Rising Sun that never sets, Zechariah foretold that you would visit us from above,
— come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.
Come and stay with us, Lord.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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