Back when I was 9 years old, there’s this woman, who was a family friend, that each time something about the Catholic Church would come up in conversations, she would repeatedly tell her story of why from being a Catholic, she converted to a Protestant cult. According to her, she left the Roman Catholic Church because Catholics were very judgmental to the churchgoers with regards to what they wore during the Mass. She claimed that Catholics had always looked down on Mass-goers who wore ugly or rugged clothes. Unfortunately, her repeated bitterness was catchy like the flu, that somehow my Dad had got convinced and mentioned this issue of hers to us a few times later on.
First, gratefully, after 2 decades, I don’t think that her issue with Catholics looking down on Mass-goers with ugly clothes still applies these days to millenials like me. We know here that many among us Filipinos are poverty-stricken, so each time you’d go to the Mass, there would always be someone wearing clothes that would not suit your personal taste. Also, Catholics during Mass just don’t care anymore with your #ootd (outfit of the day). What Catholic Filipinos are still concerned about though, is if you are wearing revealing or “sexy” clothes during the Mass. You’d really get frowns and stares if you do so. It’s just immodest and inappropriate.
Now back to the woman I’m telling you about, there must be something deep she’s coming from why she left the Catholic Church just because Catholics had looked down on her with her clothes. Honestly, for me though, it’s just an excuse; another excuse just for her to justify leaving the Catholic Church.
It is so disappointing and pathetic when ex-Catholics or non-practicing Catholics blame their separation from the Church because of what we call the “Bad Catholics.”
Photo credit: CathNewsUSA
Have you ever lost a part of your faith (i.e. refused to attend the Mass anymore, converted religion, stopped believing in God) because “Bad Catholics” hurt you and your feelings? Sometimes, those “Bad Catholics” were very close or important to you who broke your heart in many ways. I must admit that at times before, I got tempted to give this a lot of thought. But I decided that, what are these Bad Catholics, compared to the love that God has given me throughout my life?
So here are the things to remember, when Bad Catholics separate you from the Catholic Church:
1. The Catholic Church is not your social life
You might have a lot of friends in the Parish, and that’s cool to have great friends in the society. But going to the Mass is not your social life. The woman in the example above cared more about her looks and what the society thought of her and her ugly clothes, than what God Himself thought of her during the Mass. You are attending the Mass for the Sacrament of the Eucharist and to give the love, adoration, and worship that you must give God. Not because you want a circle of friends. Besides, you have other means of gaining friends like in school, work, neighborhood, or other hobbies. I remember when my BFF and I went to the gym in the mall nearby, everyday, because we considered it our “social life” that it took us like an hour each time to freshen up before heading to our some wholesome girls’ night-outs.
When these friends in the Church suddenly realized they wanted to be unkind to you, and hurt you deeply, would you equate these friends-turned-enemies to Jesus Christ and leave the Church? The society might turn their backs against you, but nothing can ever separate you from the love of God.
If you cared about how the society belittles you because of your poor situation like being financially incompetent, you make the Church and Jesus Christ your social life, and this is just wrong.
2. Stop stereotyping
Since when did stereotyping become fair? (Stereotype means pre-judging a person as similar to the group of people, race, country he or she belongs to, because other people outside the group sees a pattern or a common occurrence of those traits or behavior within that group.) Every nationality has stereotypes, whether good or bad. But it doesn’t mean that every person in that country has the same traits with his countrymen.
If you claim that the whole Catholic Church is the same as those Bad Catholics who attacked you, then it would just be unfair. Our Church in fact faces many issues and scandals. But it’s their own faults, not of God and His Holy Church. There are many bad Church members, and even clergies here and there who have done many horrendous things. But it’s just them.
Every country has bad people, criminals, and other types of modus operandi. Would you ever want to be judged being a Filipino when you’re abroad, just because of some evil deeds of other Filipinos? That would be too unfair. And if you fall into the temptation of stereotyping others, why don’t you try to remember the good qualities and good stereotypes of good Catholics? Because there are also many good Catholics you met and will meet, who love you, care for you, and are very sincere to you.
3. You are fighting for your soul’s spot in Heaven
I always say this: In the end of your life, it is just you and God. You’d face Jesus when you die, alone, and He’d judge you with mercy and perfect justice whether you’re going to Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory.
Why would you risk your salvation with some hell-bent hearts out there that hurt you?
You see, if you stop going to Mass, and in turn, you’d not be able to receive the Sacraments, you’d be risking your salvation big time. If you do so, you’d be away from God and won’t have any close relationship from Him. You’d be easier to get tempted by false sects, and be more susceptible to sins. Satan and his minions would have a hold on you.
Bad Catholics have succeeded in bringing you down, hurt you, and treating you unfairly in this earthly life. Would you also allow them to do such painful things on you in the next life?
Your whole life has been fighting for your salvation, a spot in Heaven after you die. All the time, you’re choosing whether to choose the good side or to choose the bad side. Why give up the spiritual battle you have always fought for, just because of these inconsiderate Bad Catholics? If you leave the Catholic Church, you’re not getting even with your enemies; It’s yourself that you’re already choosing to risk.
Don’t make these Bad Catholics your excuse to turn away from God.
I’d like to finish this article by sharing these Bible verses, which I’ve remembered because this beautiful song in the Mass is based on these verses apparently, to keep you strong amidst all bad and evil things, or every kind of suffering:
Sino’ng Makapaghihiwalay
Sino’ng makapaghihiwalay
Sa atin sa pag-ibig ni Kristo?
Sino’ng makapaghihiwalay sa atin
Sa pag-ibig ng Diyos?
Paghihirap ba? Kapighatian?
Pag-uusig o gutom o tabak?
At kahit na ang kamatayan
Walang makapaghihiwalay sa atin
Sa pag-ibig ng Diyos.
Ang Ama kayang mapagtangkilik
O Anak na nag-alay ng lahat
Saan man sa langit o lupa
Walang makapaghihiwalay sa atin
Sa pag-ibig ng Diyos.
What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword? As it is written:
“For your sake we are being slain all the day;
we are looked upon as sheep to be slaughtered.”
No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
– Romans 8:35-39
Mama Mary, pray for us!
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