Saint Eligius

Born in the year 590 in Limoges, France, Saint Eligius is considered the patron saint of metalworkers.  He was an excellent metalsmith and his close friendship to the French King Clotaire II of Paris helped his outstanding reputation as master of the mint became widespread.  But what makes this saint more notable was his care and generosity for the poor.  He was instrumental in building various churches and convents, helping the needy, and rescuing slaves.  Later in his life, around the year 640, he was able to fulfill his deeper desire of serving God by being ordained as a priest.

Saint Eligius was a true example of using one’s skill, talent and wealth in being God’s holy servant.  His life and the lives of  those he was able to convert to Catholicism were witness to God’s work through him.

Saint Eligius

Saint Eligius, pray for us!

The Best Catholic

1 Comment on Saint Eligius

  1. Is there a prayer to St. Eligius? My grandson is taking his name for confirmation. He wants to do work in metals and collects quarters. He has a small forge is his dads garage.

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