We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below. Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope. Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory.
Let us give glory to God, who has concern for us all. Let us call upon him and say:
Lord, save the people you have redeemed.
Giver of all gifts and source of all truth, give the fullness of your blessing to the college of bishops,
— and keep all those entrusted to their care faithful to the teaching of the apostles.
Lord, save the people you have redeemed.
Pour your love into the hearts of all who share the one bread of life,
— that they may grow in unity in the body of your Son.
Lord, save the people you have redeemed.
Help us to strip off our sinful selves,
— and to be clothed with Christ, your Son, the new Adam.
Lord, save the people you have redeemed.
Grant that all may do penance and find forgiveness,
— and so share in the fruits of Christ’s redeeming death.
Lord, save the people you have redeemed.
May those who have died in your peace give you everlasting glory in heaven,
— where we, too, hope to praise you for ever.
Lord, save the people you have redeemed.
Source: Evening Prayer, DivineOffice.org
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