Prayer Petitions For May 6, 2017

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We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory.

In rising from the dead, Christ destroyed death and restored life. Let us cry out to him, saying:
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

You are the stone rejected by the builders which became the chief cornerstone,
— make us living stones in the temple of your Church.
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

You are the faithful and true witness, the firstborn from the dead,
— make your Church bear constant witness to yourself.
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

You alone are the Bridegroom of the Church, born from your wounded side,
— make us reveal to the world the love of Bridegroom and Bride.
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

You are the first and the last, you were dead and are alive,
— keep those who have been baptized faithful until death, that they may receive the crown of victory.
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

Light and lamp of God’s holy city,
— shine on our friends who have died, that they may reign for ever.
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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