Prayer Petitions For June 8, 2017

June 8, 2017 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. Our hope is in God, who gives us help. Let

Mass Readings For June 8, 2017

June 8, 2017 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Tobit 6:10-11; 7:1BCDE, 9-17; 8:4-9A When the angel Raphael and Tobiah had entered Media and were getting close to Ecbatana, Raphael said to the boy, “Tobiah, my brother!” He replied: “Here I am!” He said: “Tonight we must stay with Raguel, who is a relative of yours.

Prayer Petitions For June 7, 2017

June 7, 2017 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. Let us praise Christ the Lord, who lives among us,

Mass Readings For June 7, 2017

June 7, 2017 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Tobit 3:1-11A, 16-17A Grief-stricken in spirit, I, Tobit, groaned and wept aloud. Then with sobs I began to pray: “You are righteous, O Lord, and all your deeds are just; All your ways are mercy and truth; you are the judge of the world. And now, O

Prayer Petitions For June 6, 2017

June 6, 2017 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. This is the hour when the King of martyrs offered

Mass Readings For June 6, 2017

June 6, 2017 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Tobit 2:9-14 On the night of Pentecost, after I had buried the dead, I, Tobit, went into my courtyard to sleep next to the courtyard wall. My face was uncovered because of the heat. I did not know there were birds perched on the wall above me,

Prayer Petitions For June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. God the Father has gathered his Church in unity through

Mass Readings For June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017 The Best Catholic

: First Reading – Tobit 1:3, 2:1A-8 I, Tobit, have walked all the days of my life on the paths of truth and righteousness. I performed many charitable works for my kinsmen and my people who had been deported with me to Nineveh, in Assyria. On our festival of Pentecost,

Prayer Petitions For June 4, 2017

June 4, 2017 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. God the Father has gathered his Church in unity through

Mass Readings For June 4, 2017

June 4, 2017 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Acts 2:1-11 When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as

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