Prayer Petitions For August 16, 2017

August 16, 2017 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below. Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope. Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. Let us praise God our almighty Father, who wished that

Mass Readings For August 16, 2017

August 16, 2017 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, the headland of Pisgah which faces Jericho, and the LORD showed him all the land— Gilead, and as far as Dan, all Naphtali, the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah

Prayer Petitions For August 15, 2017

August 15, 2017 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below. Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope. Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. Let us praise God our almighty Father, who wished that

Mass Readings For August 15, 2017

August 15, 2017 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Revelation 11:19A, 12:1-6A, 10AB Moses said to the people: “And now, Israel, what does the LORD, your God, ask of you but to fear the LORD, your God, and follow his ways exactly, to love and serve the LORD, your God, with all your heart and all

Prayer Petitions For August 14, 2017

August 14, 2017 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below. Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope. Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. The world was created by the Word of God, re-created

Mass Readings For August 14, 2017

August 14, 2017 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Deuteronomy 10:12-22 Moses said to the people: “And now, Israel, what does the LORD, your God, ask of you but to fear the LORD, your God, and follow his ways exactly, to love and serve the LORD, your God, with all your heart and all your soul,

Prayer Petitions For August 13, 2017

August 13, 2017 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below. Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope. Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. Christ had compassion on the hungry and performed a miracle

Mass Readings For August 13, 2017

August 13, 2017 The Best Catholic

First Reading – 1 Kings 19:9A, 11-13A At the mountain of God, Horeb, Elijah came to a cave where he took shelter. Then the LORD said to him, “Go outside and stand on the mountain before the LORD; the LORD will be passing by.” A strong and heavy wind was

Prayer Petitions For August 12, 2017

August 12, 2017 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below. Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope. Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. Christ had compassion on the hungry and performed a miracle

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