We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below. Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope. Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory.
The angels carry out God’s will. Let us pray that we too may listen carefully for his voice and hear his call, as we say:
With the angels we sing of your glory.
O God, you made your angels messengers of your marvelous works,
— help us to proclaim your wonderful deeds to all men.
With the angels we sing of your glory.
The angels unceasingly proclaim that you are holy and exalted,
— may your people on earth join their voices to the angelic song of praise.
With the angels we sing of your glory.
You commanded your angels to watch over your servants in all their ways,
— guide those who are traveling and bring them home safely in joy and in peace.
With the angels we sing of your glory.
You gave the angels the mission of announcing peace to men,
— inspire counsels of peace in the hearts of leaders and peoples of all nations.
With the angels we sing of your glory.
When you send forth the angels to gather together your chosen people from every corner of the earth,
— do not let them pass over any of your children, but bring them all to the unending gladness of your kingdom.
With the angels we sing of your glory.
Source: Evening Prayer, DivineOffice.org
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