Prayer Petitions For October 8, 2017

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We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below. Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope. Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory.

Christ had compassion on the hungry and performed a miracle of love for them. Mindful of this, let us pray:
Show us your love, Lord.

Lord, we recognize that all the favors we have received today come through your generosity,
— do not let them return to you empty, but let them bear fruit.
Show us your love, Lord.

Light and salvation of all nations, protect the missionaries you have sent into the world,
— enkindle in them the fire of your Spirit.
Show us your love, Lord.

Grant that man may shape the world in keeping with human dignity,
— and respond generously to the needs of our time.
Show us your love, Lord.

Healer of body and spirit, comfort the sick and be present to the dying,
— in your mercy visit and refresh us.
Show us your love, Lord.

May the faithful departed be numbered among the saints,
— whose names are in the Book of Life.
Show us your love, Lord.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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