Prayer Petitions For January 1, 2018

Read the Reflection for the Day:
My Catholic Advice on the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God: Happy New Year 2018!

Let us adore the Son of the living God who humbled himself to become a son of a human family, and let us proclaim:
Lord, you are the model and Savior of all.

Christ, by the mystery of your subjection to Mary and Joseph,
— teach all people reverence and obedience to lawful authority.
Lord, you are the model and Savior of all.

You loved your parents and were loved by them,
— establish our families in mutual love and peace.
Lord, you are the model and Savior of all.

You were eager to be about your Father’s business,
— may he be honored in every home.
Lord, you are the model and Savior of all.

Christ, after three days your anxious parents found you in your Father’s house,
— teach all to seek first the kingdom of God.
Lord, you are the model and Savior of all.

Christ, you have made Mary and Joseph sharers in heavenly glory,
— admit the dead into the family of the blessed.
Lord, you are the model and Savior of all.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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