Prayer Petitions For January 2, 2018

Read the Reflection for the Day:
My Catholic Advice on the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God: Happy New Year 2018!

To Christ, Emmanuel, whom the Virgin conceived and brought forth, let us give praise and pray to him:
Son of the Virgin Mary, hear us.

You gave Mary the joy of motherhood,
— give all parents true joy in their children.
Son of the Virgin Mary, hear us.

King of peace, your kingdom is one of justice and peace,
— help us to seek the paths of peace.
Son of the Virgin Mary, hear us.

You came to make the human race the holy people of God,
— bring all nations to acknowledge the unifying bond of your love.
Son of the Virgin Mary, hear us.

By your birth you strengthened family ties,
— help families to come to a greater love for one another.
Son of the Virgin Mary, hear us.

You desired to be born into the days of time,
— grant that our departed brothers and sisters may be born into the day of eternity.
Son of the Virgin Mary, hear us.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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