Prayer Petitions For January 4, 2018

Read the Reflection for the Day:
My Catholic Advice on the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God: Happy New Year 2018!

Christ came and gave himself up to purify his people, to make of them an acceptable offering, a band of disciples to continue his good work. With fervent devotion, let us call upon him:
Lord, have mercy.

For your holy Church,
— that all her children may be born into a new life.
Lord, have mercy.

For the poor, for prisoners and for refugees,
— may they find you, the incarnate Son of God, in our love.
Lord, have mercy.

That our joy may be full,
— and that we may marvel at the Father’s gift, which he has given us in you.
Lord, have mercy.

That your servants who have died with the knowledge of your birth may see your face,
— and that night may fall upon them no more.
Lord, have mercy.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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