Prayer Petitions For March 12, 2018

Read Our Lent 2018 Series
Introduction – Lent Series: The Promises of the Devotion to the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Part 1 – Lent Series: The First Sorrow of Mary and Her Role in the Salvation of Mankind

Let us give thanks continually to Christ, our teacher and our head, who came to serve and to do good to all. In humility and confidence let us ask him:
Come, Lord, to visit your family.

Lord, be present to the bishops and priests of your Church, who share your role as head and shepherd,
— may they lead your people to the Father under your guidance.
Come, Lord, to visit your family.

May your angel be with all who travel,
— to keep them safe in soul and body.
Come, Lord, to visit your family.

Teach us to serve the needs of others,
— and to be like you, who came to serve, not to be served.
Come, Lord, to visit your family.

Grant that in the human family, brother may always help brother,
— so that, with your assistance, it may be a city compact and strong.
Come, Lord, to visit your family.

Have mercy on all the departed,
— bring them to the vision of your glory.
Come, Lord, to visit your family.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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