Read Our Lent 2018 Series
Introduction – Lent Series: The Promises of the Devotion to the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Part 1 – Lent Series: The First Sorrow of Mary and Her Role in the Salvation of Mankind
Let us praise the Lord Jesus, who, lifted high on the cross, drew all things to himself. With loving hearts let us pray:
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.
Lord, may the mystery of your cross shine on all mankind,
— that all may see you as the way, the truth and the life.
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.
May all who thirst for you, the living water,
— drink their fill for ever.
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.
Inspire all teachers and artists,
— to prepare mankind for your kingdom.
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.
Guide all estranged from you by sin or scandal,
— that they may come back to you, and remain always in your love.
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.
Welcome all our deceased brothers and sisters to your home in heaven,
— to share the joy of the blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints.
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.
Source: Evening Prayer,
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