Prayer Petitions For March 18, 2018

Read Our Lent 2018 Series
Introduction – Lent Series: The Promises of the Devotion to the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Part 1 – Lent Series: The First Sorrow of Mary and Her Role in the Salvation of Mankind
Part 2 – Lent Series: The Second Sorrow of Mary and the Uncertainties in Life

Let us give glory to Christ the Lord, who became our teacher, our example and our brother. Let us pray to him, saying:
Lord, fill your people with your life.

Lord Jesus, you became like us in all things but sin; teach us how to share with others their joy and sorrow,
— that our love may grow deeper every day.
Lord, fill your people with your life.

Help us to feed you in feeding the hungry,
— and to give you drink in giving drink to the thirsty.
Lord, fill your people with your life.

You raised Lazarus from the sleep of death,
— grant that those who have died the death of sin may rise again through faith and repentance.
Lord, fill your people with your life.

Inspire many to follow you with greater zeal and perfection,
— through the example of the blessed Virgin Mary and the saints.
Lord, fill your people with your life.

Let the dead rise in your glory,
to enjoy your love for ever.
— Lord, fill your people with your life.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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