Prayer Petitions For March 31, 2018

Evening Prayer for Holy Saturday

Read Our Lent 2018 Series
Introduction – Lent Series: The Promises of the Devotion to the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Part 1 – Lent Series: The First Sorrow of Mary and Her Role in the Salvation of Mankind
Part 2 – Lent Series: The Second Sorrow of Mary and the Uncertainties in Life
Part 3 – Lent Series: The Third Sorrow of Mary and the Mysteries of God’s Will
Part 4 – Lent Series: The Fourth Sorrow of Mary and the Types of Catholics
Part 5 – Lent Series: The Fifth Sorrow of Mary and Consoling Jesus and His Mother
Part 6 – Lent Series: The Sixth Sorrow of Mary and the Blood and Water from the Side of Jesus

Today we lovingly remember the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, from which was born new life for the whole world. Let us turn to God the Father, and say:
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Give unity to your Church.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Protect our Pope.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Sanctify your people, both clergy and faithful, by your Spirit.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Increase faith and understanding in those under instruction.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Gather all Christians in unity.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Lead the Jewish people to the fullness of redemption.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Enlighten with your glory those who do not yet believe in Christ.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Show the marks of your love in creation to those who deny them.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Guide the minds and hearts of those who govern us.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Console all who are troubled.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Have pity on those who have died.
By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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