Prayer Petitions For April 16, 2018

Let us praise Christ, the source of all life and the foundation of all virtue:
Lord, establish your kingdom in the world.

Jesus our Savior, you died in your human nature but were restored to life by the Spirit,
— make us die to sin, and live by the Spirit.
Lord, establish your kingdom in the world.

You sent your disciples into the whole world to preach the Gospel to every creature,
— inspire those who preach the Gospel to live by your Spirit.
Lord, establish your kingdom in the world.

All power in heaven and on earth has been given to you, to bear witness to the truth,
— keep the hearts of those who govern us faithful to the truth.
Lord, establish your kingdom in the world.

You make all things new, and command us to wait and watch for your kingdom,
— grant that the more we look forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the more we may seek to better this present world.
Lord, establish your kingdom in the world.

You went down among the dead to bring them the good news of the Gospel,
— be the great joy and hope of all the dead.
Lord, establish your kingdom in the world.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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