Prayer Petitions For April 18, 2018

Read our latest Post: The Divine Praises

As Christ lay in the darkness of the earth he saw the light of a new glory. Let us cry out to him in joy:
King of glory, hear us.

We pray for all bishops, priests and deacons, that they may be zealous in their ministry,
— and prepare for you a people devoted to every good work.
King of glory, hear us.

We pray for all who teach in the service of your Church,
— that they may seek your truth with a sincere heart.
King of glory, hear us.

We pray for your faithful people, that they may be victorious in the contest of faith,
— and win the prize of victory in your kingdom.
King of glory, hear us.

You canceled our condemnation by nailing it to the cross,
— free us from our chains, and lead us out of darkness.
King of glory, hear us.

You went down among the dead and opened for them the gates to life,
— welcome our dead brothers and sisters into your kingdom.
King of glory, hear us.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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