Prayer Petitions For April 21, 2018

Read our latest Post: The Divine Praises

Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Let us praise him, and say:
Son of the living God, bless your people.

We pray to you, Lord Jesus, for all ministers of your Church,
— as they break for us the bread of life, may they themselves receive nourishment and strength.
Son of the living God, bless your people.

We pray for the whole Christian people, that all may be worthy of their calling,
— and safeguard their unity in the Spirit by the bond of peace.
Son of the living God, bless your people.

We pray for those who govern us, that they may temper justice with mercy,
— and promote harmony and peace throughout the world.
Son of the living God, bless your people.

We pray for ourselves, that our hearts may be purified to sing your praises in the communion of saints,
— may we be reunited with our deceased brothers and sisters, whom we commend to your loving kindness.
Son of the living God, bless your people.

Source: Evening Prayer,

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