Prayer Petitions For April 23, 2018

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God the Father raised Christ from the dead and exalted him at his right hand. Let us pray to the Father, saying:
Through Christ in glory, watch over your people, Lord.

Righteous Father, you lifted Jesus above the earth through the triumph of the cross,
— may all things be lifted up in him.
Through Christ in glory, watch over your people, Lord.

Through your Son in glory send the Holy Spirit upon the Church,
— that it may be the sacrament of unity for the whole human race.
Through Christ in glory, watch over your people, Lord.

You have brought a new family into being through water and the Holy Spirit,
— keep them faithful to their baptism, and bring them to everlasting life.
Through Christ in glory, watch over your people, Lord.

Through your exalted Son help those in distress, free those in captivity, heal the sick,
— and by your blessings give joy to the world.
Through Christ in glory, watch over your people, Lord.

You nourished our deceased brothers and sisters with the body and blood of the risen Christ,
— raise them up at the last day.
Through Christ in glory, watch over your people, Lord.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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