Prayer Petitions For April 24, 2018

Read our latest Post: The Divine Praises

Let us pray to Christ the Lord, who bathed the world in glory through his resurrection. With joyful hearts let us say:
Christ, our life, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus Christ, you walked with your disciples on the way,
— be with your Church on its pilgrimage through life.
Christ, our life, hear our prayer.

Do not let us be slow to believe,
— but ready to proclaim you as victor over death.
Christ, our life, hear our prayer.

Look with kindness on those who do not recognize your presence,
— reveal yourself to them, so that they may welcome you as Savior.
Christ, our life, hear our prayer.

Through the cross you have brought reconciliation to mankind in your body,
— grant unity and peace to all nations.
Christ, our life, hear our prayer.

Judge of the living and the dead,
— forgive the sins of the faithful departed.
Christ, our life, hear our prayer.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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