Prayer Petitions For April 27, 2018

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The Father has established in Christ the foundation of all our hope and the principle of our resurrection. Let us rejoice in Christ, and cry out to him, saying:
King of glory, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, through your resurrection you entered the sanctuary of heaven to offer the blood of your own sacrifice
— lead us with you into the glory of the Father.
King of glory, hear our prayer.

Through your resurrection you confirmed the faith of your disciples and sent them out into the world
— make all bishops and priests faithful preachers of the Gospel.
King of glory, hear our prayer.

Through your resurrection you became our peace and reconciliation
— unite the baptized in perfect communion of faith and love.
King of glory, hear our prayer.

Through your resurrection the crippled man was healed at the gate of the temple
— look on the sick and reveal in them the power of your glory.
King of glory, hear our prayer.

You became the firstborn from the dead, the firstfruits of the resurrection
— grant to the dead who hoped in you a share in your glory.
King of glory, hear our prayer.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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