Prayer Petitions For May 11, 2018


In joy of spirit let us acclaim Christ, who sits at the right hand of the Father:
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

King of glory, you took with you our frail humanity to be glorified in heaven; remove the sins of the world,
— and restore us to the innocence which was ours before the Fall.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

You came down from heaven on a pilgrimage of love,
— grant that we may take the same path to your presence.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

You promised to draw all things to yourself,
— do not allow any one of us to be separated from your body.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

Where you have gone before us in glory,
— may we follow you in mind and heart.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

True God, we await your coming as our judge,
— may we see the vision of your glory and your mercy in company with all the dead.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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