Prayer Petitions For May 12, 2018


All praise and glory to Christ who promised that the power of the Holy Spirit would come down on the apostles. Let us cry out:
Send forth your light and your truth.

Jesus, word of truth, wisdom and splendor of the Father, send forth your light and your truth,
— that our words and deeds today may bear witness to you before our brothers and sisters.
Send forth your light and your truth.

May we always understand and savor the things of the Spirit,
— so as not to fall into sin but enter into life and peace.
Send forth your light and your truth.

May your Spirit help us in our weakness,
— that we may know how to pray as we ought.
Send forth your light and your truth.

Fill us with love and all knowledge,
— that we may instruct and correct one another.
Send forth your light and your truth.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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