Prayer Petitions For June 24, 2018

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Because of our sins the Father gave the Lord Jesus up to death, and for our justification he raised him up again. Let us pray:
Have mercy on your people, Lord.

Hear our prayers and spare us as we confess our sins,
— grant us forgiveness and peace.
Have mercy on your people, Lord.

Your Apostle said: “Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more,”
— forgive us our transgressions.
Have mercy on your people, Lord.

Lord, we have sinned, yet we have also acknowledged your infinite mercy,
— bring us to conversion.
Have mercy on your people, Lord.

Save your people from their sins, Lord,
— make them pleasing to you.
Have mercy on your people, Lord.

You opened Paradise to the thief who believed in you,
— do not close the gates of heaven to the faithful departed.
Have mercy on your people, Lord.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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